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Braces (Braces Gigi): Nuffield Dental Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Braces (Braces Gigi): Nuffield Dental Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

What are Braces (Braces Gigi)?

Braces are special tools used by dentists to straighten teeth and fix bite problems. In Malaysia, nearly 1 in 5 people over the age of five have untreated cavities (decay in teeth caused by acids from bacteria buildup), a condition preventable with braces. Braces are also a prerequisite for jaw surgery. Keep reading to find out how they could change your smile and why they might be a good option for you.

How do Braces Work?

Braces are like a team of tools that work together to straighten your teeth and improve your smile. Pressure is applied in specific directions to help achieve your ideal teeth alignment. Here’s a simplified explanation of how they do their job:

  • Brackets: These are small attachments that are fixed on each tooth. They serve as anchors for the braces.
  • Archwires: These wires connect all the brackets and help guide your teeth into their new positions. They are flexible and can bend, but they always return to their original shape, which helps move your teeth gradually.
  • Elastic Ties or Rubber Bands: While elastic ties secure the archwires to the brackets and come in various colours for customisation, rubber bands connect different teeth, facilitating more complex adjustments like correcting bites and closing gaps.  These are used to apply pressure in specific directions, helping adjust how your teeth line up.

During your treatment, you’ll visit your orthodontist regularly. They will make adjustments to the braces, ensuring that your teeth continue to move towards their ideal positions. This process takes time, but it leads to a better-aligned smile and improved dental health.

Types of Braces

Types of Braces

Metal Braces

Also called “train track braces”, conventional braces are normally made from stainless steel.


  • Highly effective for severe misalignments
  • More affordable than other types
  • Customisable with different band colours


  • Highly visible
  • Can cause discomfort, especially after adjustments

Clear Aligners (Including Invisalign and ClearCorrect)

Clear Aligners (Including Invisalign and ClearCorrect)

Custom-made from 3D scans of your mouth, these nearly invisible braces are removable for eating and oral hygiene.


  • Nearly invisible
  • Removable for eating and oral hygiene
  • Custom-fitted for comfort


  • More expensive than traditional braces
  • Requires regular cleaning
  • Not suitable for all orthodontic issues

Damon Braces (Self Ligating Braces)

Damon braces use a special mechanism that holds wires allowing for more comfort and fewer dental visits.


  • Fewer dental visits required
  • Generally more comfortable than traditional braces
  • Faster adjustment times


  • More expensive than traditional braces
  • Still visible

Ceramic Braces

Happy smile of young woman with dental braces

Ceramic Braces

Have clear or tooth-coloured brackets that are less noticeable than metal brackets.


  • Less noticeable than metal braces
  • Equally effective as metal braces


  • More expensive than metal braces
  • Brackets can stain if not maintained properly

Fixed Braces

Permanently attached and effective for a wide range of dental alignment issues.


  • Effective for a wide range of dental alignment issues
  • Less expensive than clear aligners


  • Visible
  • Can be uncomfortable
  • Difficult to clean around brackets and wires

Lingual Braces

Attached to the backs of the teeth, making them invisible from the front.


  • More discreet than other types of braces
  • Effective for most alignment issues


  • Can be more difficult to clean
  • Typically more expensive than traditional braces
  • May cause initial discomfort to the tongue

Mini Braces

Smaller versions of traditional metal braces, they are less noticeable and generally more comfortable.


  • Less noticeable than traditional metal braces
  • More comfortable than larger braces


  • Can still be visible
  • May take longer to achieve results compared to standard size braces

Power Chain Braces

Power chain braces use a continuous loop of elastic material to close gaps between teeth more efficiently than individual ligatures. They’re great for patients with significant gaps, as they apply steady pressure to align teeth quickly and evenly.


  • Closes gaps between teeth quickly
  • Straightens teeth faster
  • Works well for big gaps


  • Needs careful watching for discomfort
  • Might make your mouth sore sometimes
  • Not good for every teeth problem

Braces Procedure

The process of getting braces is a significant step towards correcting dental alignment and achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. It involves several stages.


Before the Procedure

First, your dentist will examine your teeth and take X-rays. This helps in planning your treatment and choosing the best type of braces for you.


During the Procedure

Putting on the braces happens in one long appointment, where your teeth will be cleaned, dried, and then the braces are attached.


Maintenance and Care for Braces

  • Choose fluoride toothpaste or drink fluoridated water to strengthen your teeth.
  • Rinse with mouthwash to help remove any leftover debris.
  • Brush your teeth for two minutes, twice daily, and floss once daily to keep your mouth healthy.
  • Be gentle while brushing and flossing to protect your braces’ brackets and wires.
  • Use waxed floss or a floss threader to clean between your teeth more easily.
  • Avoid using whitening toothpaste as it won’t whiten under your brackets, causing uneven colour on your enamel after brace removal.
  • Refrain from chewing on hard objects like ice, nails, or pens which can break your braces.
  • Avoid chewing gum as it can stick to and harm your braces, increasing the risk of tooth decay.
  • Eat soft foods like yoghurt, smoothies, soups, and cooked vegetables. Stay away from hard, sticky, or chewy foods that might damage your braces.
  • Avoid snacks like popcorn, pretzels, and corn on the cob that can get lodged in your braces.
  • Stay away from sticky sweets such as caramels and gummy candies.
  • Do not smoke or use tobacco products, as these can affect oral health and the success of your treatment.


After the Braces are Removed

The process of taking off braces after treatment is really important for moving on to wearing a retainer. When your braces are taken off, the orthodontist removes the brackets and glue and makes your teeth shiny (debonding), and gives you a retainer to keep your teeth in their new spots. Retainers are crucial for keeping your teeth straight after braces, so they don’t move back to how they were before. Your dentist will suggest the right type of retainer for you.

Treatment Timeline

The entire braces process usually takes 12 to 24 months, but it varies depending on your specific needs. Here’s what you can typically expect:

  • Initial Consultation and Diagnosis: 1-2 sessions
  • Ongoing Adjustments: Scheduled every 4-12 weeks, depending on your progress.
  • Overall Treatment Period: Usually ranges from 12 to 24 months.
  • Retention Phase: Involves wearing a retainer for a designated period after completing the treatment.

Braces Benefits

  • Improved Oral Health: Straight teeth are easier to keep clean, which helps prevent tooth decay (cavities), gum problems (like gum disease) and temporomandibular joints (TMJ) disorders, which affect jaw movement and cause pain in the jaw joint. Aligning your teeth properly also lowers the risk of damage from teeth that stick out.
  • Easier Eating: When your teeth line up right, you can chew your food better, which helps your stomach break it down.
  • Less Mouth Pain: Braces spread out the pressure when you bite, so your jaw hurts less and your teeth don’t wear down as quickly.
  • Boosted Confidence: Having straight teeth can make you feel more confident because you look better when you smile.
  • Clearer Speech: When your teeth and jaws are in the right place, it’s easier to speak clearly.
  • Fixes Jaw Alignment: Braces help line up your jaw properly, which can make your face look better and help your jaw grow the right way. This helps prevent your jaw from becoming too narrow, avoiding crowded teeth.
  • Stronger Jaw: Braces make sure your teeth are evenly spaced, which helps keep your jaw bone strong and healthy.
  • Breaks Bad Habits: Wearing braces can help stop bad dental habits like thumb-sucking or chewing on non-food items, which can harm your teeth over time.

Dental Conditions That Braces Treat

Malocclusion, a term commonly used in dentistry, means misalignment of the teeth and jaw that can affect biting and appearance.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth can be defined as the “improper alignment of teeth when the jaws are closed”. Braces apply gentle pressure to straighten teeth and align them properly.


Also known as a “deep bite”, an overbite is when upper teeth jut out too far over the lower teeth. Braces can pull them back into alignment.


An underbite is characterised by the lower teeth extending beyond the upper teeth, often due to a misalignment of the jaw.  If lower teeth protrude beyond the upper teeth, braces can correct the alignment to ensure proper overlap.

Open Bite

An open bite refers to a gap between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed, often caused by habits like thumb sucking. Braces can close these gaps. 


A crossbite occurs when some of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth rather than on the outside. Braces can adjust the placement accordingly. 

Crowded Teeth

Crowding occurs when there isn’t enough room in the jaw. Braces can space your teeth out evenly.


Spacing issues involve gaps between teeth. Braces can shift teeth to eliminate extra space, distributing teeth uniformly across the jaw.

How to Choose the Right Type of Braces?

  • Your Dental Needs: The right braces for you depend on what your teeth need.
  • Look: If you care about keeping your braces low-key, consider clear aligners or braces that hide behind your teeth.
  • Comfort: Keep in mind, different braces feel different. Metal braces might bug you a bit, while clear aligners are tight but smooth.
  • Care: Different braces need different care. Metal ones need tweaks often, but clear aligners just need you to switch trays now and then.
  • Your Budget: Think about what you can spend. Metal braces are usually less pricey, while the sneakier options cost more.

Braces vs Invisalign

Feature Braces Invisalign
Visibility Visible, metal brackets and wires Almost invisible, clear plastic aligners
Comfort Can cause discomfort due to brackets and wires Generally more comfortable, no sharp edges
Maintenance Requires regular cleaning around brackets and wires Easy to maintain, removable for cleaning
Diet Restrictions Food restrictions to avoid damaging braces No restrictions, remove before eating
Treatment Time Usually 18-24 months, varies by case Typically 12-18 months, varies by case
Adjustments Regular adjustments needed at dentist’s office Change aligners at home every few weeks
Effectiveness Effective for complex dental issues Best for mild to moderate dental corrections
Cost Generally less expensive than Invisalign Usually more expensive than traditional braces


Why is Early Intervention For Braces Important?

Why is Early Intervention For Braces Important?

  • Proactive Treatment: Early evaluation allows for the identification and treatment of potential issues before they become more serious.
  • Better Outcomes: Addressing dental problems early can lead to quicker and more effective treatment results.
  • Developmental Benefits: For growing children, early treatment can guide the proper growth of the jaw and incoming permanent teeth.
  • Cost Efficiency: Early intervention can prevent more complex and expensive treatments later on.

What Are Fake Braces?

  • Fake braces are non-medical, decorative mouthpieces that mimic the appearance of real orthodontic braces.
  • They are not designed by orthodontic professionals and offer no dental health benefits.
  • Importantly, fake braces should not be considered as alternatives to professionally prescribed orthodontic braces, as they can lead to serious oral health issues such as tooth erosion and soft tissue injury.

Braces Complementary Treatments

  • Headgear: Applies pressure to ensure the jaw and teeth align properly, tackling complex adjustments that braces alone can’t handle.
  • Palatal Expanders: Broaden the upper jaw to fit better with the lower jaw, enhancing the effectiveness of braces.
  • Space Maintainers: Fill the gaps where teeth are missing, ensuring proper spacing and alignment as other teeth move during brace treatment.

What to Do if Your Braces Break

If your braces break or you have loose wires, it’s usually not an emergency. However, contact your orthodontist to arrange a repair. For severe mouth or facial injuries, seek immediate help. Here are some tips for handling common issues before your orthodontist visit:

  • Loose Brackets: Attach loose brackets with a small piece of orthodontic wax or cushion them with wax to prevent irritation.
  • Loose Bands: Keep any fallen bands and book an appointment to have them replaced or fixed.
  • Protruding or Broken Wire: Push the wire into a comfortable position using the eraser end of a pencil. Cover sharp ends with orthodontic wax to avoid injury. Never cut the wire as it could be swallowed or inhaled.
  • Loose Spacers: Reposition or replace any loose spacers if they come out.

Remember, your orthodontist typically provides orthodontic wax when you get braces. If a wire causes a sore, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater or an antiseptic solution, and consider using a dental anaesthetic to numb the area.

Braces Risks

When you get braces, they do a great job at straightening your teeth, but like anything, there are a few risks to keep in mind. Here’s what you should watch out for:

  • Mouth Sores and Soft Tissue Injuries: The metal brackets and wires can sometimes rub against the inside of your mouth. This might cause sores or ulcers, and you might feel sensitivity on your inner cheeks, lips, and gums. But don’t worry—these can be managed with good oral care and using dental wax to cover sharp parts.
  • Tooth Damage and Decalcification: If braces aren’t cleaned properly, food can get stuck around them, leading to plaque buildup. This not only causes white marks on your teeth known as decalcification, but can also lead to cavities and gum disease (infection of the gums often leading to tooth loss) if left unchecked. 
  • Allergic Reactions: It’s rare, but some people might be allergic to the materials used in braces like the latex in elastics or the metal. If you know you have allergies, let your dentist know so they can use different materials.

Despite these risks, remember that they are generally quite manageable, especially with a good dentist or orthodontist guiding you.

Braces Complications

Potential complications from braces may include:

  • Shorter Root Lengths: As your teeth move, some bone is lost and replaced, which can sometimes shorten the root of your tooth. This might affect how stable your tooth is later on.
  • Loss of Correction: After braces are removed, there’s a chance teeth might shift back slightly, especially if you don’t follow your orthodontist’s advice about wearing a retainer.

Factors Determining the Cost of Braces in Kuala Lumpur

Factors Influencing Cost:

  • Type of braces selected.
  • Complexity of the treatment.
  • Clinic location, reputation, and specialist experience.

Cost of Braces in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (Harga Pasang Braces)

Note that the following are estimates and may not include costs such as consultation costs and medication costs. 

Type of Braces

Cost Range (RM)
Clear Aligners RM5,950 – RM20,000
Fixed Braces RM5,000 – RM10,000
Metal Braces RM3,500 – RM10,000
Ceramic Braces RM7,000 – RM12,000
Self Ligating Braces RM6,000 – RM12,000
Lingual Braces RM7,500 – RM20,000
Mini Braces RM3,500 – RM25,000

Are There Subsidies For Braces in KL Malaysia?

In Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, you can find subsidies and cheaper options for getting braces. Here’s a simpler breakdown:

  • Insurance Companies: Some dental insurance plans cover part of the costs.
  • University Dental Clinics: Places like Universiti Malaya and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia offer cheaper treatments, costing RM1,500 to RM6,000, depending on the skill level of the dentist.
  • Private Clinics: These are pricier but often offer payment plans without extra interest.

Finding a Dental Clinic Near You in KL

  • Searching for “braces near me” in Kuala Lumpur? Check out Erufu Care for detailed clinic listings and real patient reviews​.
  • Consider patient feedback and clinic accessibility to make an informed choice.

The Team at Nuffield Dental Malaysia

  • Dedicated Team: Passionate about patient well-being and oral health.
  • Expertise: Experienced in hospitals and private practice, both in the UK and Singapore.
  • Comprehensive Care: Tailored treatment plans for unique dental needs.
  • Excellence in Service: From reception to dental clinicians, all aim for excellence.
  • Safe Surgery: Commitment to safety and high standards in surgical procedures.

By choosing Nuffield, you’re choosing peace of mind. Contact us for an appointment today.

Braces Before and After Photos

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Braces Before and After Photos

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1. Are Braces Painful?

No. However, braces can be uncomfortable, especially right after they’re put on or adjusted. The discomfort usually goes away after a few days.

2. Do Braces Permanently Straighten Teeth?

Yes, braces permanently straighten teeth by gradually aligning them. However, wearing a retainer after treatment is crucial to maintain the new position.

3. What’s the Success Rate of Braces?

Braces are very effective, with a success rate over 90%. 

4. Why Are Braces So Costly?

Braces are expensive because they require customised design, quality materials, and regular adjustments by skilled orthodontists to work correctly.

5. Which Type of Braces Shows the Fastest Results?

Some experts think metal braces work the fastest, while others prefer self-ligating braces. But really, you should go with whatever type your orthodontist recommends as the best fit for you.

6. Do Braces Change Your Jawline?

Yes, braces can change your jawline. They align your teeth and jaw, improving your bite and potentially adjusting your jaw’s appearance.

7. What’s the Best Age to Get Braces?

The ideal age for braces is between 9 and 14, when bones are still developing and more adaptable. However, adults can also achieve great results, although it may take a little longer.

8. Are Braces For Adults and Children Different?

Adult treatments may use stronger braces or more frequent adjustments since adult bones are fully developed and less responsive to changes compared to children’s growing bones.

9. Will I Need Extractions to Get Braces?

You might need extractions for braces if your teeth are very crowded. Your orthodontist will decide after checking your teeth.

10. How Long Do I Need to Wear My Braces Everyday?

Braces need to be worn all the time until the orthodontist removes them at the end of your treatment.

11. How Long Does Putting on Braces Take?

It usually takes about 1 to 2 hours to put braces on, depending on what needs to be done for your teeth.

12. Will My Braces Need to be Replaced?

Generally, braces don’t need to be replaced unless there’s damage. But some parts, like elastics and wires, might need to be changed occasionally.

13. Will I Be Able to Speak Normally After Braces?

Yes, you’ll be able to speak normally after braces. There might be a short adjustment period, but you’ll quickly adapt and sound like yourself again.

14. Can I Still Play Musical Instruments Like The Trumpet?

Yes, you can still play instruments like the trumpet with braces, although there might be a short adjustment period.

15. Can I Still Do Sports With Braces?

Yes, you can still do sports with braces. It’s a good idea to wear a mouthguard (protective device that prevents injury to teeth and gums) during physical activities.

Medical References

Azaripour, Adriano, et al. “Braces Versus Invisalign®: Gingival Parameters and Patients’ Satisfaction During Treatment: A Cross-sectional Study.” BMC Oral Health, vol. 15, no. 1, June 2015, doi:10.1186/s12903-015-0060-4.

Hakami, Zaki, et al. “Impact of Fashion Braces on Oral Health Related Quality of Life: A Web-based Cross-sectional Study.” BMC Oral Health, vol. 20, no. 1, Aug. 2020, doi:10.1186/s12903-020-01224-1.

Martín, Conchita, et al. “Retention Procedures for Stabilising Tooth Position After Treatment With Orthodontic Braces.” Cochrane Library, vol. 2023, no. 5, May 2023, doi:10.1002/14651858.cd002283.pub5.

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Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. At Nuffield, we put you first. We believe in providing personalised service for each patient.

Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. Here at Nuffield Dental, we pride ourselves of our personalised oral care for each and every one of our patients. We need to make sure you get all the help you need to make your dental procedures comfortable, accessible and seamless.

Our dentists have a special interest in prosthodontic treatments and are accredited dental providers who have been helping patients achieve confident smiles.

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